Learning in the Delta: A New Teacher's Adventures

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


I've Arrived! If you asked me two months ago where I was going to be spending my time after graduation, I might have answered Japan, Paris, Washington D.C., maybe Houston. Mississippi was nowhere in my mind. I had heard people on my campus in Annapolis rave about MTC, saying that there was no better, more challenging program that an aspiring teacher could hope to be a part of in the U.S. While all of this sounded great, I thought, I don't want to teach in the U.S. - at least, not right away. I want adventure, I want to see things and meet people that I've never encountered in my life. Unfortunately, my health took an unfortunate fall during the first semester of my senior year, and when I suffered a minor relapse in the spring, my doctors told me that all my plans to travel abroad needed to b put aside. Devastation and panic Ensue! Desperate for an enjoyable and rewarding teaching job, I run to my Career Services office and ask them if there is any possibility to still apply for the program in Mississippi that had always been so highly reccommended. Iwas told that the deadline was in less than a week and that my chances were very slim. With hope in my heart, however, I applied; and in less than 24 hours an offer was made. I couldn't believe it! Filled with excitement and Nausea, I packed my bags and headed for the South.
When I began driving along I-55, the Delta on one side, and green, lush hills on the other, I knew - that adventure I was seeking... the new experiences and people I wanted to encounter... - I'd found it.
Its only my second day in the program, and I haven't even been properly introduced to the Delta yet. Everything I've seen, though, is something new and exciting. This place is already unlike anywhere I've ever been. The food - the yummy, delicious food - unlike anything I've ever tasted. And the History! The history of the South, the history of education the history of integration... Its here and I'm about to become a part of it! This place is alive! The prgram I'm involved in is alive! The people I consider myself lucky enough to work with... I've never seen so much excitement and dedication towards the education of children as the small group of people in my class have shown me in the past two days. And, while I understand that this is just the beginning, and that the road ahead is difficult and painful - these are exactly the type of people that I am convinced can face that challenge, deal with that pain, and still succeed with a good heart and passion to teach and help others.
I can't wait!!


At 9:41 PM, Blogger Monroe said...

I am glad you are here and I love your positive attitude. It will serve you well.


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